Communicate! i2000 helps coordinate voicemail messages By Owen Ferguson TORONTO — In today's world, workers have to deal with many different forms of communication: voicemail, e-mail, pager messages, faxes and even emerging mediums like voice and video-over-IP. While coordinating all these communications is, at best, trying for people working in large companies, it's nearly impossible for people operating in the SOHO market. However, Toronto-based 01 Communique is trying to change that with its latest product, Communicate! i2000, a piece of integrated communications software. The software attempts to make the coordination of various message mediums easy. It offers features such as fax forwarding and fax-back services, voice messaging, e-mail and fax tracking, passive video monitoring and beeper e-mail alerts. It can support up to four phone lines, as well as different data modem types (i.e. cable and ADSL) and various other devices, such as video cameras. Brian McElwain, vice-president of sales and marketing at 01 Communique, says he considers this extended support an important part of the product's future relevance to the market. "Analog modems are still selling well, but what's coming on strong is broadband, and we support all those modem types," he says. The product follows two earlier releases, Communicate! and Communicate! Pro, adding additional features and an updated, more stylish interface. Loren Hoffman, president of Markham, Ont.-based reseller Sable Computer Inc., says he is quite impressed with the earlier versions of the software and expects the new version to be just as pleasing. "I saw the new version at Comdex, and it was extremely well received there," he says Hoffman says what really sets 01 Communique's products apart from other communications organizers is the amount of detail the company pays to designing an easy-to-use interface. "A lot of times you buy software today, and you have to be a brain surgeon to understand it," he laments. In contrast, he notes he has found users require only 20 to 30 minutes to learn to use the Communicate! line of products, and that's a good thing. "After all," he continues "If the masses can't use it, what good is it?" McElwain seems optimistic about the company's future. Not only has it recently started turning a profit, but it has also established a distribution architecture, available through such outlets as Media Play, Future Shop and Electronics Boutique. "We've gained enough market share in the consumer space that many OEMs are bundling our software as well," McElwain says. He adds that the company is pursuing agreements with cell phone companies to distribute their software with cell phones and thus increase customers' air time usage. The software is also moving through online channels, including,, and McElwain says that this distribution method is particularly easy for the Web sites involved. "There are about 25 e-tailers that offer our product, and basically they just take the order and call Ingram Micro or Merisel or Tech Data and get them to ship the product," he says. Communicate! i2000 retails for US$149.00. |